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Company Profile

China Meheco Group Co., Ltd.

Our company, China Meheco Group Co., Ltd. (Ticker Symbol: China Meheco; Stock Code: 600056), operates as a listed company with China General Technology (Group) Holding Co., Ltd. as our controlling shareholder. Our history dates back to 1983 when we were established as China National Medicines and Health Products Import and Export Corporation. Since joining China General Technology (Group) in 1999, we have become their sole platform for integrating the manufacturing and marketing of pharmaceuticals and medical devices.

At present, we have established an integrated industrial pattern that links trade, manufacturing, and technical services, with pharmaceuticals and medical devices as the growth engine and the medical industry as the growth support. We have achieved a broad business scope that spans the entire industry chain, encompassing research and development (R&D), cultivation and processing, manufacturing, distribution, logistics, international trading, academic promotion, and technical services. Under the guidance of the Healthy China Initiative and the mission of improving people’s life, we are dedicated to becoming a world-leading, trustworthy provider of pharmaceutical and medical device products and integrated services.